

HBAGA 002 Prohibited Substances

Our Constitution and Rules include a reference to substances which are regarded as actually or potentially dangerous or for other reasons are banned from our sites. This document details those substances and it will be updated to include other items as the need arises. It includes guidance on the way in which Site Managers should proceed should action need to be taken.


The Association accepts that most plot-holders will seek to improve the yield from their plot(s) by bringing various materials and substances onto site – perhaps to build structures or to promote the growth of plants and to reduce pests and diseases on the plot.

The aim of this guidance is to provide a uniform approach to the importation and use of materials across all our sites and to set out general principles to assist in management of the sites. In applying the principles below, we should seek to be supportive and encouraging of plot-holders improving the productivity of their plots, whilst preventing that which is unreasonable.

1. Scope of Guidance

1.1 This list identifies substances which are prohibited on all sites

1.2 The list is not exhaustive, since materials and technologies change over time – allowing Site Managers to use a common-sense approach. In the case of

      doubt, matters should be referred to the Committee for a decision.

1.3 It should be considered that some materials which are not, in themselves, hazardous may still be prohibited on the basis that they could present a disposal problem in the future.

1.4 Rule changes are not usually applied retrospectively. However, because of the nature of this regulation, any changes here could be applied to existing items.



Chemicals may only be brought onto and used on site if they meet the following criteria:

2.1 They must be intended for a specific horticultural or plot maintenance purpose.

2.2 They must be kept in the original sealed and labelled container.

2.3 They must not be prohibited by law – onus is on the plot holder to demonstrate this.

2.4 They must be of a type fully available to the amateur gardener.

2.5 All empty containers must be disposed of offsite by the plot holder.

2.6 Water tanks must not be polluted.

2.7 Areas outside the plot must not be affected (for example by spray drift).

3. Pest Control

3.1 Mouse traps may be deployed in sheds if they are inspected within 24 hrs. Other traps and snares may not be brought onto, nor deployed on site.

3.2 Poisons may be brought onto site providing they are kept in the manufacturer’s sealed, labelled container, and are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Empty containers are to      be disposed of off-site

4. Site Managers’ Authority

All Site Managers are entitled to prevent any plot-holder from using or bringing any materials onto site (whether or not included in the list) if:

4.1 They suspect that they may be hazardous

4.2 The size / nature of the materials gives rise to a concern that future disposal may be problematic

4.3 The use of the material or substance may impact upon another plot holders use and enjoyment of the site

5. Asbestos

No asbestos of any type is so be brought onto our sites. There is some historic corrugated roofing in some sheds on our sites. This is recorded and is monitored.

Apart from that - if any type of asbestos is found on a site, then that should not be touched but should be reported to the Site Manager who will agree with the Officers

of the Association what action should be taken.



Barbed Wire

Only permitted for use by Association on perimeter fencing at height. Similar products included in scope (e.g., bird spikes, scaling barriers, etc.,)


All types


Breaks down to release chemicals into soil

Flooring tiles

Tiles and sheet materials manufactured before 2000 may contain Asbestos


See explanatory note

Household Waste

Not to be brought onto site

Trade Waste

Not to be brought onto site

Hard Landscaping

 Hard landscaping such as concrete is not permitted.

Garden Waste

Garden Waste Only limited quantities for composting are permitted – no perennial weeds, diseased or woody items

Oil / chemical drums

Includes metal and plastic containers. To be treated as trade waste unless it can be ascertained they are fully decontaminated.


See explanatory note


 All car and similar tyres. Doubtful value and a problem to dispose.

2. Prohibited Materials and Substances

Document Agreed: 05/04/19

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Document Updated by Committee: 07/06/19