Our Shop is open every Saturday and Sunday morning (9.00 to 12.00).
To order items from stock in the shop Click Here to download the stock list. The ordering system is described in the shop section.
Click Here for a list of potatoes. Click Here for details of onions.
We have a few Kings seed catalogues available in the Shop. Browns catalogues are also available
Here for more information about ordering from these catalogues
We administer several allotment sites in Herne Bay -
Chestnut Stakes in the Shop
We Still await supplies of our usual chestnut stakes but we do have some different ones recently delivered. Some are around 6 feet long and are very weighty and are about 4 inches across. Selling for £5-
How to Contact HBAGA
To contact us for any reason -
If you know the relevant direct email or phone number (for example of the Shop Manager) then just use that.
Otherwise contact us at canHBAGAhelp@mail.com Please state as the subject the name of the committee member you wish to contact (if you know this) or the purpose of your email and your message will be directed to the appropriate person.
We have only two size of stakes in stock